The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) is a career development program, funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to help individuals receiving housing subsidies make progress toward economic self-sufficiency by increasing their earnings and building assets through:
- Gaining, retaining, and improving employment through individualized assessment and goal planning
- Provide resources to gain and enhance job skills, including training and education to increase marketability for employment
- Information on, and assistance in, establishing individual savings accounts
- Case manageme
nt to assist with resource connection, coaching, and advocacy
- Financial Literacy workshops to assist with money management, budgeting, and credit repair and restoration
- Assistance in achieving homeownership goals.

FSS participants may also be eligible to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership program.   


Since HOC began administering the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, it has offered services in:
- Educational and Career Development
- Transportation Assistance
- Financial Assistance
- Legal Assistance
- Food Assistance
- Furniture & Clothing
- Childcare and Parenting Resources
- Health Services
- Mental Health, Substance and Domestic Abuse Services
- Housing Stabilization (Emergency Services); and
- Homeownership Programs

For more information on FSS, contact:
[email protected]