HOC Commissioners are appointed by the County Executive with the concurrence of the County Council. Commissioners serve on a volunteer basis for five-year terms and represent the policy-making body of the agency.
Commissioners are responsible for reviewing and approving the overall policies and business decisions for HOC. The day-to-day management of HOC is the responsibility of the Executive Director. HOC staff report to the Executive Director. Commissioners should direct inquiries and requests to the Executive Director; Commissioners should refrain from giving directives directly to HOC staff. Commissioners may contact Executive Staff with questions or for clarifications.
The officers of the Commission consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Chair Pro Tem, and a SecretaryTreasurer. The Chair, Vice-Chair, and Chair Pro Tem are elected at the annual meeting and hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualified. In case of a vacancy, the Commission shall elect a successor from the remaining Commissioners at the next regular meeting and such election shall be for the remaining unexpired term.
The Chair presides at all meetings and sets the order of business. At each meeting, the Chair shall submit recommendations and information as the Chair may consider proper concerning the business affairs and policies of the Commission.
The Vice-Chair performs the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or incapacity. In the case of the resignation or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform the Chair’s duties until the Commission selects a new Chair.
The Chair Pro Tem performs the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
The Commission appoints the Secretary-Treasurer, which is generally the Executive Director. The Secretary-Treasurer’s compensation and term shall be determined by the Commission.
The Special Assistant serves as an administrative liaison between the Commissioners and HOC staff. The Special Assistant drafts the agenda for Commission meetings in collaboration with the Executive Staff. The Special Assistant attends all Commission meetings, including closed sessions, and transcribes the minutes from those proceedings. Commission documents such as Resolutions are kept in the office of the Special Assistant.
Generally, Commissioners are appointed for five-year terms. County Council policy is that no individual should serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Commission meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act public and generally held the first Wednesday of each month, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Meeting dates and times are posted on the Commission, Committee, and Development Corporation Meetings pages.
If you would like to address the Commission during a public meeting, please complete the form up to one week prior to the Commission Meeting.
Click here to request to address the Commission.
If you would like to submit written comments to the Commission, you may do so at anytime by completing this form.